Friday, August 18, 2006

A Most Unusual Creature

The creature pictured here was found in Maine, apparently a victim of a collision with a car. The car won. People are speculating that it is some sort of mutant hybrid. I guess some are even saying it is the famed Chupacabra (goat sucker), which has quite a history for an animal that has never been identified in the scientific world. The Chupacabra also has had many different descriptions throughout the years. But I think I have solved the mystery of the creature shown here. I think it is Bigfoot’s pet dog.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

General Musings

9-11 Conspiracies: Now if you are going to believe some of the conspiracies I’ve heard about 9-11, you have to believe that a large group of people were in on it. You would have to believe that no one saw anyone put all of those explosives in the buildings. Now I believe that the JFK assassination is not what the Warren Commission said it was, the work of a lone assassin, but come on, let’s not get ridiculous.
Bedroom Communities?: I just read an AP article that the murder rate in the New Orleans metropolitan area was soaring in the suburb of Harvey. In the article, Metairie and Kenner were referred to as bedroom communities. Interesting. Being from an area that is sandwiched in between those two areas, I would refer to them as just extensions of the vast concrete jungle known as New Orleans. It sounds like New Orleans is getting back to normal. I’m happy not to live there anymore.
Is Mike Wallace in love with Ahmadinejad? I heard some of the sound bites from Mike Wallace’s 60 minutes interview with the president of Iran and it seems that Mr. Wallace was quite taken with him. In interviews about his interview with Ahmadinejad, Wallace said that he didn’t think that he was a terrorist or a bad guy. Say goodnight Mikie.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Fantasy Football

Well, I am going to try to do the fantasy football thing for the first time this year. My brother has been wanting me to do it with him, and I have been interested in doing it. I have signed up for two ESPN teams and will be doing one on the NFL site. In one of the ESPN teams, I chose Reggie Bush in the second overall pick of the draft, just like it happened in the real world. For the second ESPN team, I will let the autopick function choose my team. It will probably do a better job than I did on the other team. I just hope that I do the roosters in time for the games or that they have an auto-function for that.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Pontiac Aztek

I purchased a new automobile in April. It turned out to be an opinion provoking purchase, which I didn't expect. Most folks are quite convinced that the thing is uuuuuugly!! The rear end is what seems to attract the most negative attention. Most auto magizines didn't like it, and even Mad magazine called it, "the ugliest car in American history". Others called it the replacement for the Edsel.

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